SINGAPORE: A group of maids under the influence of alcohol accused another helper of stealing money and took the opportunity to make a ruckus in public.

In a post to a Facebook group for domestic helpers, another maid who knew the accused lady asked others for their opinion. She wrote: “Here i just want to ask for your opinion regarding one group of helper who is under alcohol influence who accused one fellow helper stealing $S 10 and they act like a gangster, make a ruckus and went viral in Tik Tok this few days”.

The maid wrote that there was proof that the helper they accused did not take the money. Despite this, the video they posted on social media went viral. The woman wrote that the viral video was even sent to the family of the wrongly accused maid. “The viral video somehow reach her family in her hometown, and caused her family in such big shock and her parent fall sick because of this. Because [of] some unruly helpers, one family suffer. And this lady she is a breadwinner to her family back home”, she added, explaining that the maid was worried about losing her job even though there was proof of her innocence.

“And that group of unruly helper doesn’t want to apologize to her and her family for causing this trouble”, the woman added. Other helpers in the comments section who had also seen the TikTok video wrote that the maids were behaving drunkenly, and one even opened the accused helper’s wallet to take out the money.

The woman continued in her post: “Now what I want to ask here , especially for employers what are you going to do if your helper doing this kind of things during their day off? Get drunk, made a ruckus and give other people trouble that might impact to her job here? How you handle your unruly helper? Will you encourage them to make an public apologize for this? Because except the accused helper, her employer also got trouble because of this problem. And how to manage this kind of things not happen again in the future?”

See also  Employer with a baby doesn't scold her maid because she fears the helper will put dirty water into the baby bottle and the baby will have food poisoning and possibly die

Here’s what other employers and maids in the group commented:

Earlier this year, a foreign domestic helper in a relationship with a local guy started behaving differently when her boyfriend, who was married, underwent a divorce.

In an anonymous post to Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the maid’s employer asked netizens for their opinions. He wrote that his maid often spends a lot of time with her boyfriend such that on her days off, she would come back after 11 pm, and on her work days, he would visit her under the family’s block.

“Recently, she started acting weird like keeping herself quiet (she’s always bubbly and cheerful). When we ask is it got problem with him. She always deny. When we ask got problem at home, she say no too. But her off days started getting longer, even coming home up to 1am now”, the employer wrote. When he and his wife would ask their maid if anything was wrong, she would deny it and say everything was okay.

When asked if the maid sleeps with her boyfriend, she would say yes and add that she is not pregnant.

“I did some research and found out the boyf is undergoing divorce. Try to contact him thru social media, no response. So I got the number of his soon-to-be-ex-wife. Since our helper is refusing to tell us anything, I want to text the wife and ask for the guy’s number. But my wife is of the opinion that i’m invading my helper’s privacy too much. She says as long as our helper does not get in any trouble, we shouldnt be kepo of her personal life/activities”, the employer wrote.

Maid in relationship with S’porean married man comes back at 1 am on her off days