More people are out and about, due to the easing of pandemic regulations. However, along with more people in public has arisen the problem of fewer taxis and private hire vehicles (PHV). Many netizens have undoubtedly recently seen posts, photos, and videos of people waiting in line just to get a ride home.

Both Grab and ComfortDelGro told Mothership that the demand for rides has risen. But the number of PHVs and taxis has, conversely, decreased in comparison to pre-pandemic levels. The number of ComfortDelGro taxis, for example, was 8,031 in Dec 2019. By March 2022, it had fallen to 6,576, a decrease of 18.1 per cent, Mothership added.

The pandemic, with its greatly reduced demand, saw a number of drivers shifting to other lines of work that would help them make ends meet.

One private hire driver with Grab, Mr Loh Tok Kwang, told Mothership, “Some have become security guards, and others have started their own businesses.

So, that is why the taxi industry is currently severely understaffed and it’s difficult to find a cab at night or during the peak hours […] I know that many customers have had to wait for at least one to two hours for a cab, especially downtown.”

During the pandemic, Mr Loh himself worked part-time as a food delivery agent to augment his wages, which PHV drivers had been allowed by the government to do.

Drivers have also had to deal with rising fuel prices, higher ERP charges and car rental fees, which has served to further demotivate those in the industry. 

See also  Grab, Uber - and now Jugnoo

One netizen named William Lee wrote on the Singapore Taxi Driver’s Lessons sharing Facebook page:

“Taxis are so difficult to get so much so that pax are cutting queue in a brazen manner.
I saw the first 2 female standing out of position at the taxi stand. They hurried towards my taxi wanting to open the door. I stopped and asked them whether they got queue up or not. At the same time, one young lady dressed in black walked up to them from the front of the queue and tell them they should queue up like how everyone had done.
According to the auntie pax, the two females had pressed the taxi button and so they knew there are others queueing for taxi but they purposely stand at a position where they can intercept any incoming taxi. She appreciates what the black dress lady did by standing up to the queue cutters.”

On a more lighthearted note, one thing that may cause fewer people to need a ride these days is the EPL.

With the English Premier League in full swing, it probably means football-mad folks, and they are legion, have been staying home, which would explain this:



Netizen says taxi drivers ‘show too much attitude’ and ‘just want to hire drunkards with long distance on Friday night!’