A woman wanted to know if her relationship with a colleague constituted cheating. In an anonymous post to the popular confessions page SGWhispers on Thursday (May 26), the woman explained that she joined a company four months ago and was assigned a project that required her to work closely with a male colleague, A. Her partner (boyfriend) of five years was pursuing a full-time degree with three more years to go.

“A and I began working together for long periods of time and eventually he confessed to me. I know I should have taken a step back and clarified that I’m in a stable relationship, but A has his own charisma that I can’t deny”, she wrote. She also asked, “Did I cheat on my partner?” She added that though she started texting A, she never had any intention of breaking up with her partner.

At their office, the woman wrote, she and A would sit together and sneak glances at each other, “keeping this little secret of ours”. She said that things between them progressed to getting physical when no one was around, and they would hold each other. “We however, don’t have any intention of bringing this to the next level”, she wrote, speaking for both herself and A.

“Does this mean I’m actually emotionally cheating on my partner even if there’s no other intimacy involved? I still love my partner and we are looking to settle down after he completes his studies”, she asked netizens.

Earlier this year, a man unable to break up with his girlfriend, yet unable to also happily stay in the relationship, asked netizens for advice on what to do. A 38-year-old man, dating a 36-year-old woman, said that while he was initially very attracted to his girlfriend and thought of her as a fun person to be with, he now found that she would constantly make him “do stupid things for her”.

Man says his girlfriend constantly needs him to “do stupid things for her” and accuses him of cheating when he tries to break up