The Asian Football Confederation announced yesterday that they would fine the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) S$40,800 – or US$30,000 – for two occasions during the recent SEA games, where fans from Malaysia’s biggest soccer supporter group, Ultras Malaya, chanted “Singapore, those dogs” and “Brunei dogs should just be killed.”
The Malay word they chanted, “anjing” meaning dogs, was aimed at opposing football teams representing Singapore and Brunei that played against the Malaysia team.
The derogatory “Singapore itu anjing” (Singapore, those dogs) slogan has been around since the early 2010s and was most notably chanted five years ago in 2012 during the Suzuki Cup by aggressive Ultras Malaya fans.
In August, Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) expressed regret for the “Singapore itu anjing” chant that Ultras Malaya, chanted during the 22nd August SEA Games Soccer match between Singapore and Malaysia, which Malaysia won 2-1.
The Association’s secretary-general Hamidin Mohd Amin said that Ultras Malaya had pledged to not scoff at their opponents in the future. The assurance was given by representatives of Ultras Malaya at a meeting which was arranged after the association received a formal complaint on the matter.
Hamidin Mohd Amin said in a media statement that the association regrets what happened, especially given the friendship among ASEAN countries, and that Ultras Malaya has assured that such chants will not be spread during the rest of the SEA Games, which will conclude on 30 August.
He added that the Association appreciates the strong support by Ultras Malaya which boosts the spirits of soccer players and transforms the atmosphere of the stadium.
The Malaysia Organising Committee of the SEA Games, which is held in Kuala Lumpur this year, said in a statement on 22 August that the Games is a sporting event that is “based on a strong spirit of togetherness and sportsmanship.”
“Any incident that is contradictory to this spirit of togetherness and unity, especially hurling of insults at other participating nations in whatever form, is highly regrettable.”
“Fans are urged to refrain from chanting offensive religious or racial slurs at all times.”
The insults attracted widespread attention online, at the time:
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Singapore’s football under scrutiny as MPs pursue review findings of team’s performance at SEA Games