Disney movies = fun and cuteness overload? Yes!

Disney movies = serious life and financial lessons? No way.

Think again!

Believe us – each heartwarming Disney hero has a life lesson to teach. Let us look at the top life theories you can learn from them:

Warning: Some serious nostalgia to follow!

1. The Lion King

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“Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or… learn from it.”
These words said by the wise baboon Rafiki to Simba is one of the best advices you will hear. Ever. Simba spent his youth feeling guilty for his father’s death. However, little did he realise that it was something he couldn’t help or stop. In our lives too, we make loads of mistakes – incur a major financial loss, lose a great job due to a wrong decision, or end up marrying the wrong person. However, this doesn’t mean that your life is over. Don’t let the guilt stop you from being happy again. Go easy on yourself; after all, we are only humans.

2. Finding Nemo

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“When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming.”
Keep swimming! What better advice than that? Print this quote and stick it onto your office desk. Dory, the friendly, forgetful fish, says this to Marlin to lift up his spirits and encourage him to not give up. We all have days when we feel blue – when we want to quit our job, or not be around anyone and just hide under a rock. However, in low and difficult times, all we have to remember is not to give up on the larger goals in life. As they say, “It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.”

3. Ratatouille

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“Anyone can cook.”

This adorable story about Linguini, a garbage boy-turned chef, and Remy, a rat who loves to cook, has a lot to teach us. Apart from teamwork, self-confidence and perseverance, this animated movie teaches us that regardless of who you are or where you’re from, if you are determined, you will achieve what you want to. Your dream of becoming the CEO of your firm doesn’t look that impossible now, does it?

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4. Cinderella

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“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.”

We all have dreams. However, while living our mundane lives, we sometimes forget them and many times, end up living someone else’s dream. Ouch! But, the good news is that you can always change this. As Cinderella shows, no matter what the situation is, giving up isn’t an option. We also love the bit where it shows us that while material possessions can be taken away, nobody can rob us of our dreams.

5. Up

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“Adventure is out there.”

This touching story about an adorable couple Carl and Ellie teaches us that life is quite an adventure. In the movie, the couple cannot embark on their dream vacation to Paradise Falls as their savings always had to be used for some unexpected humdrum expense. Eventually, Ellie falls ill and dies. In a rather poignant way, the film shows that a solid emergency fund is a great idea. Importantly, it also makes us realise that life is rather short; so it is advisable to not sit on that bucket list. Tick it off this 2017!

If you enjoyed our Disney lessons, then you must check out these financial villains that even superheroes face.

The post Five Life Lessons That Disney Movies Have Taught Us appeared first on BankBazaar.sg.

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