Two Singaporean women have conquered extreme trails and reached the summit of K2, the second-highest mountain in the world.

The climbers  Vincere Zeng, 31, and Sim Phei Sunn, 47, set foot on the peak on July 27. The 8,611m mountain is second only to Mount Everest (8,848m). 

Only two Singaporeans (both men) reached the top of K2 earlier, in 2012 and 2014 respectively. 

K2 is located in the Karakoram mountain range, which is in the Kashmir region under the administration of Pakistan. Though not the highest, K2 is considered the most difficult peak to reach in the world due to its steep ascent and extreme terrain. An estimated 90 climbers have died trying to conquer K2 since 1954. 

Because of its unforgiving challenge, K2 has earned the nickname “The Savage Mountain”.

In a Facebook post, Vincere Zeng shared her experience. She stated in her post caption: “2012 marked the first Singaporean ascent of K2, the world’s 2nd highest peak at 8611m, by respected mountaineer Mr. Khoo Swee Chiow. Since then, there was only one more successful sg summit in 2014.” 

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Photo: Vincere Zeng Facebook

She added: “Until 9 years later, in 2023, Singaporean female mountaineers stepped foot on this so-called “Savage Mountain”. And trust me, it was really nothing less than savage. This time, not 1, but 2 females. And we both succeeded!.. While descending the scarily exposed slope from the summit, I almost bursted into tears when I heard PS calling my name – I knew that she would reach the top in no time and we hope we do the little dot proud!” 

Photo: Vincere Zeng Facebook

Netizens commented on the post.

Sim Phei Sunn, one of the climbers, personally declared: “Congrats again babe! Too much excitement this climb. Glad we all made it.”

One FB user said: “Hats off to you both”

Another FB user remarked: “Outstanding!!! So proud of both of you!!!”