Two netizens put up videos showing that the Chin Chow they bought from NTUC was inedible. One complained that there was plastic inside the Chin Chow.

Many netizens were angry and started whacking NTUC for selling sub standard food.

NTUC then released a statement on May 13 on their Facebook page, assuring customers that they are in contact with their supplier, and also appealing for the affected customer who created the video to get in touch.

But actually, the netizens may be whacking the wrong party. Food safety is the responsibility of Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA). NTUC is just a reseller, even though it may be govt linked.

The Chairman of AVA is none other Major General Lim Neo Chian, the former Chief of Army.

When MG Lim was appointed AVA Chairman last year, he said he was “honoured” to take on the AVA chairmanship.

“Moving ahead, our agri-food and veterinary ecosystem faces both emerging opportunities, as well as challenges,” he said.

“Working closely with the various stakeholders, we can now harness technological advances to find new solutions to our food supply and safety.”

When MG Lim said they can now use technology to find new solutions to our food supply and safety, it’s not known if he meant introducing plastics as a new food source.

source: We want Minister Grace Fu to resign.