A rather gory video circulating of two elderly men after a fight has gone viral online. The video, shared on Facebook and Whatsapp messenger on Tuesday (Feb 4) showed the aftermath of a brawl between two elderly men.

The video starts with stallholders surrounding one of the men and trying to help stop the blood flowing from his face as he sits on the ground.

The man looked to be bleeding rather profusely with his shorts stained with blood. There is also a pool of liquid on the ground nearby, which seemed to be either beer or blood.

The incident took place at Block 34, at Pear Hill Coffeeshop.

The attacker of the man on the ground is believed to be another elderly man who seemed to be drunk. In the video, he could be seen taking another beer bottle from a table and trying to use it to hit the already-bleeding man.

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When passers-by tried to restrain him, he fought back, managed to get back up on his feet and grabbed a stool to hit them with.

According to Facebook posts circulated, the police arrived on the scene and arrested the elderly man at around 6.30pm on Monday (Feb 3).


TISG has reached out to the police with queries. /TISG