An elderly man and his wife get into an argument with a GrabFood rider on an e-scooter, that ended up with the woman falling over, vulgarities exchanged, and the police being called.

The incident occurred near Bishan Park, and was uploaded by Mohamed Shamirrudan.

While it is unclear from the 12-minute video how the altercation started, the elderly man tried to stop Shamirrudan, the personal mobility device (PMD) rider, as he alleged the latter was going too fast.

While the elderly man insists that he merely stopped the Grabfood rider, denying allegations of pushing him, the rider suggests that more force, and vulgarities were used.

In the video, while shouting rather angrily at the PMD rider, the elderly man accidentally pushes his wife down, and even seems to blame the rider for this.

Early on in the video, the man’s wife walks away, leaving her husband to deal with the situation.

See also  Can PMD users be taught to use their devices responsibly?

The elderly man and the rider argue over whether the PMD was an e-bike, or an e-scooter, with the older man insisting that the device should only be ridden on the road and not on the pavement.

While waiting for the police, the elderly man approaches a young mother and her son and gripes about the PMD driver.

Ironically, while the lady does not know the full details of the incident, she opines that PMDs are dangerous if they are speeding.

Another e-scooter rider stops nearby and receives a tongue-lashing from the elderly man as well, even though he did not do anything.

When the police arrived, Shamirrudan declined to pursue a case against the elderly man as he considered it a waste of his time.

Throughout the video, there seemed to be a gross lack of information about the speed that the PMDs and e-bikes were travelling at.

See also  “Speed demons” on PMD dash a red light, netizens call for stricter regulations

Earlier this month (July 3), the daughter of a Personal Mobility Device (PMD) rider took to social media appealing for information about her father’s accident.

She alleged that her father got into an accident while riding his e-scooter. The man’s daughter also wrote that he had suffered spinal cord damage as a result of the accident.

Read related: Daughter of PMD driver appeals for witnesses after father suffers spinal cord damage in accident