By: Phillip Ang

I refer to CNA report on defective SMRT trains dated 5 July.

CNA: “In 2009, LTA awarded a S$368 million contract to Kawasaki Heavy Industries and CSR Sifang for 22 trains.“ Cost per train in 2009 was S$16.72 million.

CNA: “Last year, LTA signed a S$137 million deal for 12 more new trains from the consortium, to run on the North-South and East-West Lines as well.” Cost per train in 2015 was S$11.41 million.

It is unbelievable that SMRT trains would cost S$5.3 million less after 6 years. Perhaps the cost savings should be passed on to commuters?

Republished from the blog ‘likedatosocanmeh‘.

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