The Woodlands Zone 9 Residents Committee invited the residents in its vicinity to a chit chat with their Member of Parliament, Mr Ong Teng Koon. The only catch was, the residents had to pay $2 each if they want to chit chat with the parliamentary representative.
According to RC’s Facebook posts, the event happened yesterday (19 June) from 10.30am to 12.30pm at the void deck of Blk 427 Woodlands Street 41. The RC advertised the event saying, “Come join us! Tickets selling fast!” But from the pictures posted online, it looks like the event did not have a fantastic turnout and that there were several empty tables.
The $2 per pax charge was levied probably to cover the cost of food provided at the chit-chat session.
In April of this year, Mr Chan Chun Sing the deputy chairman of the People’s Association (PA) said that the ever increasing budget for the statutory board was necessary, partly to strengthen the social fabric through community events. Residents Committees comes under the PA and many community events are organised by RCs.
The Finance Minister, Heng Swee Keat, allocated about $900 million for PA’s expenditure in FY2016.