A woman who goes by Zizie Caipirinha on Saturday (Apr 30) took to Facebook to complain about a man who “ruins” people’s Hari Raya decorations.

She even posted a minute-long video showing a masked older man wearing shorts, a long-sleeved grey shirt, and a cap. With a pair of scissors, he hacks away at a row of beautiful orchids outside one flat. 

After taking the flowers in his hand, he then throws them on the ground.

After destroying the flowers in front of one flat, he can be seen proceeding to the flowers near the elevator and attacking an orchid plant there, before leaving the scene.

The video shows that the incident occurred on Saturday morning at 5:28 am.

Ms Zizie captioned her post by writing, “Uncle, you nothing to do ah?! early morning bring scissors come outside people house to ruin people’s decorations for Hari Raya? willing to wake up during dawn just to do this? isn’t this an act of vandalism? damaging people’s properties?”

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Apparently, this is not the first time this has happened.

“And FYI, this has been ongoing for every year whenever Hari Raya is around the corner. also, he doesn’t EVEN STAY ON THE SAME LEVEL. so what’s his problem?!!!,” she added.

Her video has gone viral, getting viewed over 113,000 times.

Netizens commenting on Ms Zizie’s post shared her outrage, urging her to report the man to the police and/or the Town Council.


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