Member of Parliament for Bukit Batok Murali Pillai took to Facebook on Saturday, November 24, to share the story of a resident who faced homelessness because of his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Mr Murali wrote that the resident, Mr A, had filled his flat with things such that he could not live in it anymore.

In his post, he wrote, “Mr A owns a 3 room flat with his brother. Unfortunately, he suffers from OCD. He filled his bedroom and adjoining toilet to the brim with things, so much so that he could not enter the room any more”.

We are fortunate to have dedicated community leaders in Bukit Batok. One example is Don. He helped Mr A who was spotted…

Posted by Murali Pillai on Friday, 23 November 2018

Mr Murali also said that Mr A’s brother had chased him out of the house, and he had resorted to sleeping at void decks.

Don, a community leader at Bukit Batok and, Wee Teck, Bukit Batok’s Town Council Property Manager convinced Mr A to return home. They also helped clear his room and toilet, which took them a total of 16 trips to dispose of the items. According to Mr Murali, they also used a 660-litre rubbish bin for all of the goods.

See also  Supplies distributed to homeless people in Kelantan Lane, Jalan Bersih area

Mr Murali added that while Mr A was back in his home, he still needed to seek treatment for his OCD.
