A devoted (read: misguided) guy asks netizens for advice on how to get his girlfriend to listen to him, despite her once splashing a drink in his face when he messed up her order.

He says she has “princess syndrome”, which he takes to mean unrealistic expectations of their relationship.In Korea and China, this term describes the behaviour of young women, especially teens, who are self-centred in the extreme and behave accordingly – as if they were princesses.

The boyfriend confides in an anonymous post on NUSWhispers, a popular confessions page, that she has got him to pay for her online shopping at least 20 times. but he has refused, he wrote.

She also asks  him to “piggyback her in the middle of a shopping mall and surprise her with gifts “like I’m some kind of magician”.

Once during the Circuit Breaker in 2020, he queued up to  buy her bubble tea but had to settle for a different drink as her choice was unavailable. The long queue and travel time meant that it took him more than an hour to bring her the bubble tea.

And what was his reward?

She shouted at him because it wasn’t the drink she wanted, he said, then “she opened the lid and splashed (the drink) on me then slammed the door”. She wouldn’t pick up his calls, and blocked him.

“When I reached home, she texted me. Saying how disappointed that she is for having high expectations that I should’ve know her by now what’s her favourite drink, how I didn’t persistent to knock on her door to show mine efforts of trying to explain to her and how I should’ve reflected on myself for being a disgraceful boyfriend”, he wrote.

A few days later, she and her parents apologised to him and he accepted their apology.

“But ever since we get back together, it just seem to be back to the days where she’ll be screaming at me for not getting what she wants or not her expectations”, he wrote.

He then asked netizens for advice on how to talk to her so that she would listen to him and not always be shouting at him and blaming him.

It probably wasn’t the kind of advice he expected.

Netizens who commented on the post told him that he would be much better off without her, and that it was his behaviour that also enabled hers. /TISG