A boyfriend whose girlfriend seems to want to spend more time with another guy wonders if he is being unnecessarily jealous.
In an anonymous post on Wednesday (Apr 27), the boyfriend asked: “Is it okay for your partner to meet with a guy alone?”.
In his post on popular confessions page SGWhispers, the 24-year-old guy wrote that he had been in his first relationship with his 20-year-old girlfriend for over two months, with things going well. However, he added that he was bothered by his girlfriend’s friend called Adam.
He noted that she got to know Adam through a mutual friend a month ago and “they started talking and texting (not sure how regularly though), and then arranged a meet up to have lunch not long after. She then informed me a day before their lunch that she was going to meet Adam for lunch at city area and asked if I was okay”.
When his girlfriend showed him Adam’s photos, he found Adam “a 10/10 in terms of looks” and started to get jealous. When he communicated this to his girlfriend, she reassured him that she and Adam were just friends and that she only loved him.
One weekend, he found it strange that his girlfriend went to study with Adam to prepare for an upcoming exam, “(exam is tomorrow). The study session lasted for the whole day, from like morning to night. Again, I got bothered by it and told her about it”, he wrote.
“She then asked if she should cut her study session short, and of course, i said no because i dont want to be an unreasonable bf.”
However, when he wanted to study with his girlfriend the day before her exam, “she told me yesterday that she don’t think it’s a good idea to head out to study today since her exam is tomorrow. So, I asked her if I am a distracting study partner, and if she had managed to complete her agenda on Sunday, to which she answered yes for both of the questions. She then further explained that she don’t usually go out a day before her exam”.
Still feeling unhappy with his girlfriend, he asked her about it again, and she “told me this is how she is. She treats guys the same way she treats her female friends”. His girlfriend also reassured him that the other guys were just friends and that she only had feelings for him.
In his post, the boyfriend asked: “is it normal for me to feel uncomfortable and jealous about this? Or am I just too insecure to deal with this maturely?”
Netizens were not sympathetic to his situation and pointed out that he was not mature enough, while his girlfriend did not respect her partner’s boundaries in the relationship.