A witness testifying during the 1MDB scandal provided many details on the scandal but one thing that did not escape the public’s attention were the tears and the sentiments of fear that the witness expressed if he did not carry out orders.

Amhari Efendi Nazaruddin told the High Court in Kuala Lumpur he was afraid and could not reject orders given to him directly by then Prime Minister Najib Razak.

“If I reject this order, it might bring harm or problems to myself,” he said.

He also shed tears when he spoke about his former boss Azlin Alias and the stress he faced after Azlin passed away.

Azlin died in a helicopter accident in Kuala Lumpur in 2015.

The helicopter carrying Rompin MP Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis, the special envoy to the United States; principal private secretary to the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Azlin Alias; pilot Capt Clifford Fournier; co-pilot Eidiana Baiziera; businessman Datuk Robert Tan, Jamaluddin’s bodyguard Mohd Razkan Seran, 32, exploded in mid-air and crashed in Semenyih, just minutes away from its destination.

The last of the bodies – all charred – were found by the Fire and Rescue Department personnel at 8.15pm on April 4th.

Meanwhile, Amhari said he feared he would be included in Najib and Jho Low’s arrangements to cover up 1MDB’s losses, the payment of International Petroleum Investment Company (Ipic) debts related to the misappropriation of 1MDB funds or the provision of political funds.

He said Najib began giving him confidential instructions directly following Azlin’s demise, and he had to start taking over special tasks involving secrets.

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Boss will take care
“Boss will take care” are the words used by fugitive financier Low Taek Jho to convince Amhari and Azlin – two Najib’s aides to open bank accounts in foreign countries.

The accounts with BSI Bank in Singapore that he asked them to open were meant to be “standby accounts”. They were to be used for Najib’s political funds for the 13th General Election.

In 2012, Low sent Amhari and Azlin, who was Najib’s principal private secretary, to Singapore where he had arranged for the setting up of the accounts to be held in a hotel room.

This was handled by one Yvonne from BSI Bank and another unknown officer.

Amhari said Azlin was uncomfortable with the arrangement. Jho Low had to hold several meetings to get him onboard.

Both Azlin and Amhari were afraid that the accounts under their names would be used for money laundering but Jho Low told them if there are to be any queries about the account, Najib will protect them.

“Azlin became uncomfortable when Jho Low said everything will be done ‘above board’ with the right process and documentations and with a reputable bank,” Amhari told the High Court.

“Azlin told me that we have to follow his instructions or we might lose our jobs or our family might be harmed now that we know about the plan,” Amhari said.

Both accounts were approved by the foreign bank but Amhari and Azlin were not allowed to use the accounts as the accounts were controlled and handled by Low. -/TISG