A popular Umno blogger believes the infighting in Anwar Ibrahim’s party is an attempt to divide it and keep Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in power.

And to achieve that objective, Dr Mahathir planted a ‘trojan horse’ in the PKR and it is none other than Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali.

In Another Brick In The Wall, the name of the blog, the blogger lambasted Dr Mahathir whom he says also has a trojan in Umno, the biggest opposition party.

He says Dr Mahathir’s trojan in the PKR is faring very well despite the overwhelming conditions (against him) while the trojan in Umno is in trouble.

“One UMNO key operative from the days of Dato Najib claimed Dato Mohammed Hassan was Mahathir’s trojan horse in UMNO.

Unlike Azmin, he is not as strong and failed to play his role,” the blogger wrote.
The article pictures Dr Mahathir as the man behind the scenes in the PKR and Umno. If in the PKR the PM is trying to break the party to minimise or eliminate Anwar’s chance to grab the PM post, in Umno it is to dissolve the opposition party.

Once dissolved, the MPs will have to join Dr Mahathir’s party, the Bersatu.

The blog post says the PM is desperate despite some people in the corridors of power saying otherwise.

To depict the role played by Dr Mahathir in the troubles facing the two major parties in the country, the PKR and Umno, the blogger points to the latter’s statements on recent political machinations.

“The more astute political observers see it as Mahathir on desperation mode and trying to reach out to UMNO without begging for help. When in political mode, Mahathir would usually say one thing but do something else,” he wrote.

The blogger was referring to statements on Azmin Ali’s secret dinner at his house in Putrajaya which is only a stone throw away from the PM’s residence.

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Dr Mahathir claimed he did not know what the Umno MPs who met with Azmin on the dinner night wanted or what they discussed.

But later he said the Umno MPs were lost and did not have a party now, so they wanted to know which party to join.

To explain this, the blogger said Mahathir had said he is for UMNO if the party’s name is not tarnished. “One could read him as making an overture to UMNO or adamant on closing UMNO to get its members and leaders to join Bersatu.”

The blog post said Dr M failed to read the Umno’s moves.

It mentions Umno president Zahid Hamidi’s statement that the Umno has 91 seats in its camp, which took many by surprise in the political arena.

But as the blogger narrates, none of the political observers were able to understand Umno’s move to join the Islamists from PAS and join the Malay Dignity Congress which was officiated by Dr Mahathir.

Overall, it is saying the alleged plans by Dr Mahathir’s are now well exposed and it is up to other leaders to read them well and act on them for their survival. -/TISG