A row over a gay-sex video and an ongoing police investigation has not dampened Anwar Ibrahim’s bid to become the next Prime Minister of Malaysia.

At least not in his party, the Parti Keadilan Rakyat or the Justice Party.

A headcount of party divisions shows 198 of 219 PKR division heads nationwide expressed their support for Anwar as the next prime minister of Malaysia.

The PKR is the largest political formation in the Pakatan coalition that won power last year.

A party division chief says the vote in favour of Anwar shows the party is solid and there is no internal turmoil.

A divided party risks landing Anwar in trouble with the Pakatan coalition partners and this may undermine his chance to run the country after Mahathir leaves office.

There have been mounting calls by some Justice Party leaders to allow PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to complete a 5-year term, adding they are not hurting anyone’s feelings.

Deputy President of the Justice Party Azmin Ali who is said to be close to Anwar, went against the leader over a gay sex video scandal.

The scandal rocked the party and signs appear of a direct challenge to Anwar’s rule as president. But the support he garnered from the division chief is a sign he is in control of the party.

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The party says its aim in reaching all division leaders nationwide was to state their stance in supporting Anwar’s leadership as the PKR president and as the eighth prime minister.

The 198 divisions say they support Anwar to helm the country as agreed by the Pakatan Harapan leadership before the 14th general election.

A group of division leaders held a press conference in Kuala Lumpur to announce the support to Anwar.

Last month, a group of party central committee members — including ministers — gave full support to Azmin after Anwar said if police found the minister was in the gay sex video, he should quit.

The group of 27 MP’s and party members also wrote that Anwar should not divide the party in asking Azmin to quit.

Anwar denied he asked Azmin to quit, saying he was misquoted by the media.

Some 198 out of 219 PKR division heads are backing Anwar for the PM’s role.
They say the support shows that the party is solid and there is no internal turmoil. -/TISG