SINGAPORE — A Singaporean with an eye for details recently spotted a ticket office sign with too much “unnecessary verbiage.” The photo, which was shared on social media, drew many other online users who found the redundancy amusing.
An online user took to social media on Saturday (Feb 11) to share a picture of a ticket office sign that was rather redundant. At the bottom of the ticket office window was a sign that read “Closed Monday to Sunday.”
“Another sign with unnecessary verbiage,” the post read.
Many online users who caught the writer’s drift joined in on the conversation in the comments section of the post.
“(They) could have put ‘permanently closed’,” said one. “Also now that you mention, this particular station does not actually have Singaporeans as their main clientele, at least not on a regular basis.”
“Me: hey is the ticket office closed on Monday, Sunday, both Monday and Sunday or what ah?” wrote another, simulating an exchange between customer and ticket office worker. “The sign (is) a bit confusing eh.”
To this, another replied, “Having worked retail, this is the number one answer, the checkout machine can show a screen saying, LOG IN WITH ID OR THUMB and the customer will be trying to scan his shirt with it thinking it’s self-checkout.”
“If you just put closed, Singaporeans will keep going to (the) control office and ask ‘When does it open?’ You clearly overestimate the intelligence of the common man,” said a fourth.
One online user even added, “Half the population has lower intelligence than the average person.”
Another sign with unnecessary verbiage
byu/homerulez7 insingapore