Annette Lee

Annette Lee, a 30-year-old Singaporean singer, songwriter, scriptwriter and YouTube personality, shared about her relationship with her husband in the newest episode of With Love, Becks hosted by Rebecca Lim. 

In the episode, the two personalities bonded in a prawning facility. It was their first meeting in person, although they have been constantly in touch with one another online for the past two years – Rebecca messaged Annette during the pandemic because she enjoyed her funny videos and instantly became a fan. The two eventually talked about their romantic relationships. 

“Prawning is just like life, or love” Annette exclaimed, which Rebecca agreed with by saying “It’s okay if you don’t get what you want. There will be a bigger and better prawn swimming towards you.” 

Annette shared that she did not need to let go of anyone romantically before, as her husband is her first love. 

Annette Lee and her husband, Raphael Foo, met at the latter’s university dance showcase. Annette admitted that her first impression of him was talkative and friendly. True enough, he added her on Facebook. After learning that she was interested in music, he lent her some CDs. 

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“He’s quite smart. He knew that I had to meet him again to return them,” Annette said. 

They dated for four years before their engagement. Due to this, she was never curious and interested in other guys because of her smooth relationship with Raphael. 

However, she has issues with marriage because she did not grow up in a perfect family – she often watched her parents quarrel. She was worried that they would argue a lot if they tied the knot. 

She then explained that everything changed after she met Raphael’s family. 

“But after spending time with Raphael’s family, I learnt that every family is different. His family gave me a sense of security. I think as long as you work towards a harmonious marriage, that’s all that matters. I can trust him because he’s a man of his word.” the 30-year-old added. 

Annette Lee and Raphael Foo have been married for five years now, and she is pregnant with their first child.