Bunny Wonderland, a private rabbit rescue enterprise, wrote in their Facebook about how they freed 12 bunnies which appeared abused and that they had reported the case to the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA).
A volunteer with the rescue mission who spoke to us said: “we have been trying hard to present cases such as this to AVA so that they can commence investigation on animal negligence, as well as implementing regulations to curb rabbit overbreeding and hold irresponsible owners accountable.”
Just in case you can’t read what the bunny rescuers posted, this is what they said.
On Wednesday May 3, we were contacted bySPCA Singapore to assist with a rabbit overbreeding case at 921 Hougang St 91. We spoke to the owner who is the father of the family. He revealed that he obtained the parents from a friend and he bred them for the past 2 years. Some of the babies he gave some away and some he kept. Right now, he had 12 adult rabbits all of whom lived together. He explained that the rabbits are ‘fine’ but he got busy and could only feed and clean them once a week.
Upon SPCA confrontation, he asked to rehome 5 of the rabbits. When asked what was his plan for the remaining 7, he told us he will do what he does today. Knowing his lack of commitment to the rabbits, we requested SPCA to remove all 12 of which the owner let go without hesitation. As SPCA shelter was full, they were unable to take in the rabbits. We struggled to make space but with the help of our adopters, we made it.
Today, SPCA rescued the 12 rabbits. To our disgust, these rabbits were in 10 times worse condition than the Tampines 11 (case that happened recently on April 22). Their long fur were all matted, their nails were so long they curled. They were very skinny, some adults weighing only 700g. They were so hungry they were eating newspaper and gasping for water. All of them were tested positive for coccidia (parasite). They are hospitalized due to their horrible condition.
We have reported the case to Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) (Case Number: AVA-17-033443) and will be providing the details of the owner to aid their investigation. We can only hope that the authority look into this case and prosecute the owner who caused unimaginable harm to the innocent animals. Under the Animals and Birds Act, anyone who is found guilty of cruelty to animals, including abandonment, can be imprisoned for up to 18 months, fined up to $15,000, or both.