SINGAPORE: A woman recently took to the NUSWhispers’ Facebook page to ask netizens whether she should be concerned that her boyfriend is still friends with his ex on social media.

“Am I too sensitive or is this something to be worried about?” she wrote, “Why do people still follow their ex on social media, especially when they’re both already attached to someone else?”

The woman mentioned that her boyfriend and his ex broke up years ago, yet he still checks her social media stories and fills her in on what his ex and her friends are doing. 

“I find it so weird that he’s telling me these,” she said.

She added that there were also instances when his ex’s Instagram story icon appeared first on his screen whenever he opened the app, leading her to speculate that he actively keeps tabs on his ex’s stories.

When she confronted him about this and asked him why he still followed her on all her social media accounts, her boyfriend merely replied, “Just follow lor, also no interaction.”

“I asked if looking at each other’s life updates is considered interaction and he said no, lol.”

She argued that her boyfriend’s actions might have been more understandable if their breakup had been recent or if he was single. 

However, given that their breakup happened a long time ago and he was now in a committed relationship, she struggled to understand why he stayed connected with his ex.

If he dares to see his ex’s IG, it means his feelings are gone already.

In the comments section, several netizens discussed the possibility that the woman’s boyfriend and his ex may have had a respectful and amicable breakup. This could be why they continue to remain friends on social media platforms.

However, acknowledging the woman’s discomfort with this situation, they advised her to have an open and honest conversation with her boyfriend. 

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One netizen expressed that there was no point in keeping her feelings to herself and letting them make her suspicious of him, so it is best to confront it head on and let him know she is uncomfortable with his actions.

Another netizen also reassured her that her boyfriend has moved on from his ex, saying, “You know, guys are more kaypoh than girls. If he dares to see his ex’s IG, it means his feelings are gone already. If he avoids, then you should be worried. He just kaypoh only, nothing else.”

Others, meanwhile, suspected that his boyfriend still had some lingering feelings for his ex. They said that his boyfriend may have been checking his ex’s stories to get a glimpse into her life and see if she’s facing any challenges or dilemmas.

One netizen said, “He’s waiting for when something happens to her, then he can go and comfort her.”

Another commented, “He still cares about her lor. Maybe he is still stalking her lol.”

Read also: Man says his ex-girlfriend found a new boyfriend in just 17 days after they broke up