The following is a press release from Aljunied-Hougang Town Council.

In accordance with the Court of Appeal judgment in Attorney-General vs AHPETC (Civil Appeal No. 114 of 2015), the past payments review report (“the Report”) is due for submission to the Housing and Development Board (”HDB”) by 31 August 2016.

On 23 August 2016, Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (“AHTC”) wrote to HDB to request for an extension of the submission date in view of additional work being performed for the Report. AHTC had requested KPMG to carry out a 100% check on payments to related parties and the use of “dummy codes” for $270k worth of transactions, in addition to reviewing about $60m worth of direct journal entries as identified in KPMG’s July report.

In the absence of further queries, we anticipate that KPMG will complete the review of procurement-related activities and most related party payments shortly – including forensic data analytics, forensic technology procedures on AHTC electronic devices, and corporate intelligence procedures.

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We are working with KPMG, and will endeavor to submit the Report to HDB by 30 September 2016.