Ryu Jun Yeol and Chun Woo Hee’s upcoming Netflix series, “The 8 Show,” has unveiled a fresh poster and teaser, generating buzz among viewers. Adapted from Bae Jin Soo’s popular webtoon “Money Game” and its sequel “Pie Game,” the series delves into a high-stakes game where eight participants find themselves in dire circumstances, isolated from society. Their objective: accumulate as much wealth as possible before the game concludes, which only happens upon someone’s demise.

Park Jung Min, Park Hae Joon, Bae Sung Woo, Lee Joo Young, Lee Yul Eum, and Moon Jung Hee round out the stellar cast, joining Ryu Jun Yeol and Chun Woo Hee in the ensemble. The newly unveiled poster showcases the eight contestants under a spotlight against a towering red curtain. Each participant, adorned in various attire, awaits the commencement of the show with a mix of excitement and caution.

Intensifies anticipation for the unfolding narrative

Accompanied by the caption, “An irresistible but brutal show’s curtain will be rising,” the poster intensifies anticipation for the unfolding narrative.

See also  Chun Woo Hee and Song Joong Ki confirmed to star in “MY YOUTH” new drama 

The accompanying teaser opens with Jin Soo (played by Ryu Jun Yeol) receiving an invitation letter to the enigmatic show. A mysterious voice resonates, announcing, “Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve waited patiently for this moment. Now, you will be seeing something that you have never seen anywhere before,” heightening intrigue surrounding the peculiar setting and unfolding events.

Ryu Jun Yeol is a multifaceted talent from South Korea, known for his roles as an actor, activist, and photographer. He started in independent films and gained recognition for his role in “Socialphobia” (2015), which won him awards at film festivals. His major breakthrough came with the drama series “Reply 1988” (2015-2016). The show was a huge hit, becoming the highest-rated cable drama in Korea at that time. This role also earned him several Best New Actor awards.

Chun Woo Hee is a well-respected South Korean actress known for her versatility and powerful performances. She began acting in 2004 but gained wider recognition with a supporting role in the hugely popular coming-of-age film “Sunny” (2011).