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HONG KONG: A frustrated employer took to social media after her maid started playing dead and lying on the floor whenever she was unhappy.

In a post to Facebook, an employer in Hong Kong shared that the maid had only been working with the family for two weeks before she wanted to quit. The employer had spoken with the agency about the issue, but that only exacerbated the situation. The foreign domestic helper would lie on the floor whenever she was unhappy and refuse to get up when asked to do so.


An article by reported that the employer’s domestic helper is believed to be a Muslim and thus has dietary restrictions. The employer wrote that this has led to the family eating only vegetables and fish. The employer added that she was unsure how to handle the situation, as firing the foreign domestic helper would require providing a month’s notice and purchasing a return ticket.

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The article of the Hong Kong helper was shared with local online groups. Here’s what helpers and employers here said about the matter:

In April, a foreign domestic helper in Singapore told her employers she was unhappy working for them and asked for a transfer after they refused to lend her money.

In an anonymous post to a Facebook group for employers and domestic helpers, a woman who seemed to be a maid herself asked others if she’d be blacklisted because she wanted to be transferred. In her post, she presented a hypothetical situation and asked other netizens for their opinions and advice.

The woman wrote: “A helper asked help for financial help to the Employer and Employers hesitated.After that the helper told them she will transfer and find another Employer because she’s unhappy working already like she feels her Employers has no concern and unkind”. She then wanted to know if this was a valid reason for her employer to send her back home and blacklist her from working in Singapore.

See also  Mother of policeman’s wife who starved & tortured maid to death also pleads guilty to assault

Read the full story here:

Maid says she’s unhappy with her employers and wants to be transferred because they refuse to lend her money