Singapore—A dual-currency system has been launched between Singapore’ EZ-Link and Malaysia’ Touch ‘n Go, which means people can now use just one card in both countries.

The new card, the EZ-Link x Touch ‘n Go Motoring Card, launched just last Monday (17 August) is for sale online on EZ-Link’s Lazada Singapore page, for S$7. Starting from next month, when the card is fully launched, people can also buy the card in certain 7-Eleven stores for S$10, which includes S$3 loaded into the card.

It is not yet available in Malaysia, and cannot be used for the payment of Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) fees for foreign vehicles traveling to Singapore, but can be used for paying highway tolls, parking fees, MRT and bus fares, and certain retail outlets.

In Singapore it can be used for Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) payments, checkpoint toll charges and parking fees, but not for public transport and retail usage.

EZ-Link said, “The EZ-Link x Touch ’n Go Motoring Card offers motorists the convenience and flexibility of payment options in both countries. With the RGL established between Singapore and Malaysia and now in operation, motorists can look forward to a gradual and phased resumption of cross-border travel between the two countries.”

The card can be topped off in Singapore and Malaysia in the same way all other electronic payment cards are. It comes right in time for the opening of the Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) and Period Commuting Arrangement (PCA), the agreements allowing essential commuting between the two countries, though still in a limited capacity, for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic caused a border closure.

See also  New EZ-Link, Touch ‘n Go dual wallet card can be used in both Singapore & Malaysia

Under the RGL, short-term cross-border travel for essential business and official purposes is now allowed between the two countries. As for the PCA, residents of Malaysia and Singapore who have valid work passes may enter both countries.

According to Nicholas Lee, the Chief Executive Officer fo EZ-Link, “It has certainly been a challenging period for everyone where cross-border travel has been restricted, but we look forward to the gradual and safe reopening of the border between Singapore and Malaysia.

Our EZ-Link x Touch ‘n Go Motoring Card will bring a new level of convenience for motorists who have to travel between the countries often and offer added safety and flexibility in contactless payment options.” —/TISG

Read also: Limited reopening of Malaysia-Singapore border from Aug 17

Limited reopening of Malaysia-Singapore border from Aug 17