Salary negotiation can be a tricky situation to navigate, especially if you’re uncomfortable discussing money matters with your potential employer. Keep in mind, unless you ask for it, you aren’t going to get it. Same applies for salary negotiation. Here are 4 reasons you shouldn’t be afraid to negotiate your salary:

1. The obvious – better pay

Even if you are about to be offered a salary higher than your last pay, it helps to negotiate a bit. For all you know the prospective employer might be willing to offer you a higher package than what was originally offered. More can be better too!

2. Display of confidence in self and abilities

If you are willing to negotiate your salary it will show that you are confident about your value as an employee and a skilled professional. When you negotiate based on the skill that you bring to the table then it shows that you are aware of your own abilities. Negotiating does not mean you are being demanding, it just means that you know what you want.

Related: 8 Mistakes to Avoid in Salary Negotiations

3. Better impression

Asking for a fair pay can also create a good impression. Your confidence and awareness of self-worth can impress the recruiter. Don’t sell yourself short. Exhibiting negotiation skills is a positive thing in a job interview.

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4. Get more than just money

You can negotiate for more than just money. If you play your cards right you could end up getting some perks as well. You could end up with better incentives, possibilities of a revised pay scale past probation or even more vacation time. It could be possible but only if you try.

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5. Learn something new

There are 3 ways negotiations can go. You can either ask for too little, too much or an acceptable amount. If you get the last two, you can still come out on top but if it’s the first than you learned something about negotiating salaries.

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Rather than settling for a low pay and getting frustrated every time you look at your paycheck at the end of each month, it would be productive if you were to take the risk and negotiate your pay package. It helps to be well prepared for salary negotiations by performing thorough market research. Whatever the outcome, with practise you would at the least have overcome your fear of salary negotiation.

Keep reading the BankBazaar blog for more insights into career issues, together with tips to master your money and get better at life.

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