SINGAPORE: A man in his early 30s took to social media asking if he needed to work hard since he did not intend to have children.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man asked if his “childless mindset” affected his passion and motivation for career progression. He shared that he was in his early to mid-30s and was earning above S$100,000 per annum (more than S$8,000 per month). He paid for his S$300,000 house renovation in cash and said he could fully pay up the mortgage on his house any time soon, should he choose to.

“I did not go for high-end brandings and instead wearing Uniqlo, Giordano, Bata and etc those berms with sandles (sic) like an average Joe without any watch (I don’t owned any watch more than $250) unless special occasion requires proper dressed up”, the man wrote. He added that he was an introvert who could stay at home for a few months without a need to talk to anyone.

He asked netizens if he should still work hard for career progression and acquire assets even though he had no one to pass them to. He said he had three options:

“Option A: Live off my current savings and passive income investment and tone down in work / career in exchange for more time to myself?
Option B: Acquire a second property with the savings and investment i have and rent it out for a monthly passive income, doing that requires me to continue working for like another 10 years to settle the 2nd property.
Option C: Kindly suggest me something that’s not donating / temporary put / give or any other relatable act”.
Here’s what netizens who commented on the post said:

Earlier this year, a man in his mid-30s earning about $11,250 a month took to social media asking if he should change jobs because he was too comfortable in his current position. He said that a new role would likely mean a pay cut because he did not have much experience.

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In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man wrote that he had worked in a small company for the past four years and was “paid decent ($135k pa)”. He explained that the working hours were great and there was no stress or pressure. The bosses were alright, he wrote, and there was no need to work on weekends.

“pretty much chill for all holidays (get to take leave for long leave etc). In an ideal world, this sounds like a perfect job. But tbh I really have no challenge at work, everyday is just BAU (business as usual) and mundane tasks”, he added. The man said that he would unlikely get a promotion or pay raise anytime soon but did not dread coming to work because tasks were easy to complete.

35-year-old man earning $11K/month asks if he should change jobs and take pay cut because he’s “comfortable” where he is