SINGAPORE: A 22-year-old man took to social media to confess his crush on his 30-year-old supervisor. In an anonymous post to popular confessions page NUSWhispers, the man wrote: “During my internship earlier this year in June, I was fortunate to work under a talented, ambitious and attractive supervisor in what I had previously assumed to be a boring run-of-the-mill job. Near the end of the internship, her team, including myself, was invited to her 30th birthday party at an upscale restaurant”.

The man added that when he met his supervisor’s husband for the first time, he was disappointed. “I don’t think he takes care of himself: he dressed sloppily in a slightly oversized polo, unkempt hair, not engaging in any conversation, and downright not worthy of her. I became secretly rather angry and disheartened that someone like her would be off the market for someone like him”. The man added that after going back to class, he has been unable to study or focus because he has been thinking deeply about his supervisor. “I’ve been resisting the urge to text or even follow her on social media, but it’s demanding so much of my patience. Fate is cruel. Even though she is eight years older than me, I’ve never had a crush on someone so deeply before”, he wrote.

Netizens who commented on the post said to the man: “If he’s sloppy at an upscale restaurant, there’s good reason to suspect that it’s because what you call upscale might be his equivalent of a hawker center”. Another netizen commented: “1) he has probably deeper pockets 2) he probably focus on her than himself, that’s why he dress so chill 3)he probably tired with work, came straight after and still make time for her birthday party 4)if you don’t study and cannot graduate, you CONFIRM cannot take care of her”.

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