SINGAPORE — It was nine against one for an otter, as it appeared to have been bullied by a pack of stray dogs at a canal in Singapore.

“1 Otter vs 9 Dogs. The 9 dogs otter be ashamed of themselves bullying 1 otter. BTW, the otter was fine and managed to go on its way,” wrote Facebook page, sharing the video initially uploaded on short video creation app TikTok by @wxn0103.

“Legend has it that the otter was named Ip Man,” the post added, citing a character of a popular martial arts film.


The video showed the dogs surrounding the otter, barking at the animal. The canines also took turns to try to nip at the otter. The otter turned in circles in self-defence and lunged at the dogs getting too close.

Photo: TikTok screengrab/wxn0103

Towards the end of the video, someone throws a stone into the canal to help Ip Man a little, which caused some of the dogs to disperse.

Photo: TikTok screengrab/wxn0103

Another rock was thrown into the water, forcing the dogs to retreat further.

The video was eventually shared on the Singapore Wildlife Sightings Facebook page, which garnered mixed reactions from netizens.

Facebook user Val Goh wondered why the otter was alone, given they were known to be social animals that travel in family groups.

A netizen explained that when male otters are of age, they leave the romp and wander around as “lone males” before finding a mate and starting a new family.

The ferocity of otters was also mentioned among comments, with netizens highlighting that these animals could take on a crocodile.

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

Meanwhile, others wondered why there were so many stray dogs.

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

Read related: Man attacked by otters in Botanic Gardens wants them protected, not culled

Man attacked by otters in Botanic Gardens wants them protected, not culled

ByHana O