The Progress Singapore Party (PSP), founded by Dr Tan Cheng Bock, held their National Day celebrations on Sunday, August 25. The event was described by Veteran architect Tay Kheng Soon to be “more like family rather than a political movement”.

Mr Tay, adjunct Professor at the Department of Architect at the National University of Singapore (NUS) revealed in a Facebook post that the celebrations had “a palpable sense of fellowship and joyfulness and delightful sense of humour”.

He added that he was particularly was impressed by an 18-year-old who joined PSP because she felt there was a future embodied by the party. He explained that she spoke so confidently of pain and compassion as political philosophy.

As part of the event, there was a malay song, “merdu dan racun” followed by a hokkien song sung by a taxi driver gang with the crowd joining in!

“Both songs rang so true of the singapore spirit, zestful and rhythmic! Then Dr Cheng Bock took to the stage with ukulele with a song; “a little kindness”” he added.

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Mr Tay said that Dr Tan’s song “really set the tone for the future so different from the cold humourless calculation that makes for a culture of trade offs, no free lunches and hard truth joylessness singaporeans endure”.

According to him, the event hosted by his friend of 35-years felt more like family than a political movement.

Dr Tan’s song can be viewed here:


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Building a compassionte society starting with this song Try a little Kindness

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