Politicians everywhere should take a leaf out of the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s book, says the Internet.

This high praise comes after Rutte accidentally spilled his coffee in the Dutch Parliament, and cleaned up the mess by himself as cleaners stood by and applauded him.

The incident was shared on Twitter by Dutch diplomat Cees Van Beek on Monday.

In the video, after he spills the coffee, PM Rutte laughs it off, grabs a mop from cleaners who immediately rush in, and starts mopping up the coffee himself. A row of about five cleaners stand by and immediately cheer and applaud the man, much to his surprise.

Another video by BBC News also showed Rutte unable to figure out how to make the mop longer, amidst giggles from the cleaners, who were more than happy to enlighten him.

When it comes to our leaders in Singapore, while they do hold their own and exude a fair measure of poise, could they use more humility?

If one of our Members of Parliament spilled their coffee, would they act as PM Rutte did and clean it up themselves?

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