Phoon Chiu Yoke, or the woman now also known as “Badge Lady” was once again spotted in public not wearing a mask. On Sunday (March 6), popular blogger Wendy Cheng aka Xiaxue was filming along Orchard Road and saw the infamous Badge Lady.

In an Instagram story, Xiaxue filmed Phoon and wrote: “OMG I SAW THE BADGE LADY TODAY!!!”

“I went to approach her and ask her to be interviewed and she ignored me just glared at me then I asked if she is the badge lady and she glared at me in silence and walked off,” Xiaxue wrote.

She added: “She really next level really not wearing mask!!! I love how she really die die stick to her principles”.

Xiaxue added that half an hour later, Phoon walked by her again and was still not wearing a mask.

Phoon was infamously caught on camera refusing to wear a face mask, despite being asked to do so by .

Netizens question why angmoh not wearing mask was ‘only’ sentenced six weeks jail

She was spotted repeatedly asking for the safe distancing ambassadors’ badges as they advised her to wear a mask while queueing at  Sands. “If you have no badge, why are you asking me to do something?” she was heard saying. “Who are you representing?” she asked.

The 55-year-old failed to wear a mask on numerous occasions at public places, including the Marina Bay Sands (MBS) integrated resort and outside the State Courts.

See also  Netizens are still reacting to blogger Xiaxue's "cringe" comments on Greta Thunberg's UN speech

She admitted to her offences in a district court on Sept 6 last year and was sentenced to 16 weeks in jail.

Xiaxue’s Instagram Story was recirculated on social media, with netizens calling for harsher punishment for Phoon.

Here’s what they said:

Badge lady gets 4 months jail for not wearing mask outside the State Courts and other places