Non-Constituency Member of Parliament revealed on social media yesterday that he and fellow Workers’ Party member found a resident’s cat as they went on their weekly walkabout, assisting veteran WP politician Low Thia Khiang.

Having noticed posters featuring the lost cat, Goh and Leandra were making their rounds during the walkabout when they spotted the cat. Recognising the feline, which had been lost for two days, from the posters, Goh and Leandra immediately called the cat’s owner and reunited her with her beloved pet:

“One morning each week, Leandra and I would walk a few blocks in one of the HDB estates of sprawling Bedok Reservoir Punggol to help provide feedback on estate issues to the hardworking, overstretched AHTC officers. This is one way we are assisting Mr Low in his work as MP.

“This morning was a bit different. We kept seeing the poster of the lost kitty at every lift lobby, each one the sadness of the owner sank in heavier and deeper. Then as we climb up one column, just as we turned the corner on the sixth floor, we found the kitty looking at us scared, looking down sadly.

““Aw cutie!” “Eh isn’t this the lost kitty?” Leandra stayed with the kitty while I went downstairs to call the owner. There was that tearful mix of elation, relief and anxiety in the lady’s voice. Funny thing was the lady rushed past Leandra on the seventh floor, pressing the lift button repeatedly, until Leandra called to her from the staircase.

“A most happy reunion of a hungry kitty lost for two days with her loving owner. And a big, wide smile in our hearts for the rest of the day.”

Needless to say, netizens responding to Goh’s post showered the WP members with praise:

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One morning each week, Leandra and I would walk a few blocks in one of the HDB estates of sprawling Bedok Reservoir…

Posted by Daniel Goh 吴佩松 on Thursday, 30 August 2018