SINGAPORE – A woman was forcefully asked to alight from a public bus after other commuters spotted her carrying her nurse’s uniform back home after a shift.

In an Instagram Stories post by her sister, the nurse’s ordeal was outlined.

Her sister wrote, “My sister had a bad night shift last night because she was being kicked in the face by a pt (patient), but that is not the case”. (sic)

She added that usually after her sister finishes her shift working as a nurse, she would usually change back into civilian clothing and board the bus.

However, the nurse’s sister wrote, “Today, she decided to bring her nursing uniform home to wash so she placed it in NTUC bag that has no zipper and board the bus. Normally people don’t give a f***”.

“But today, my sister came home crying because a person in the bus took a peek of her NTUC bag, saw her nursing uniform && shouted at her to get off the bus because she is a nurse”, the lady added.

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She also wrote that not only was she forced to alight by just one person but other passengers started pushing for it as well.

Apparently, there was another nurse on the bus who tried to defend her as well, but they were both forced to alight.

The woman’s sister questioned, “Healthcare personel (sic) not human? Are we animals to you?”

Writing in Malay, she also ranted that those afraid of death from the sickness should just stay home without mixing around with other people. /TISG