India — A video of a woman named Anastasia Evsigneeva performing a form of contortion posture called Marinelli bend has now gone viral online. The video shows her supporting her whole body weight by biting onto a mouth grip.

Evsigneeva, who presently resides in Canada with her husband, grew up in Russia, reports LadBible. She started practicing contortion when she was a child and that too while doing different household chores. Now 28 years old, she can move her body in inexplicable positions and the videos of her doing so, which she often shares on her Insta profile, leave people amazed and amused – both at the same time.

Her latest project is the Marinelli bend which involves her using her mouth to support her full body weight in a way that her back touches her head.

“There is a risk of fatality. People can injure their necks and that can injure the spinal cord so it is very dangerous. My coach warned my husband that people have died doing it and he was quite terrified,” she told LadBible.

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“After my three classes, I couldn’t fully balance alone but I was confident enough that I could safely enter and exit the pose, to started practising on my own. On my seventh practice, I got my hands off the floor and performed the full Marinelli bend. My record is 36 seconds as of now. The world record is four minutes and thirty-eight seconds – which is very rare to be able to do. I consider 36 seconds to be a good amount and I’ll keep practicing,” she added.

Take a look at the incredible video:

The video received all sorts of comments from people with most expressing their amazement.

“Okay now!!!! THIS IS AMAZING,” wrote an Instagram user. “Absolutely beautiful, such an amazing pose,” shared another. “You are not from earth!…love from india…you rock,” expressed a third. “What a flexibility,” said a fourth.

What are your thoughts on the video?