
A woman who was worried about letting her new boyfriend’s mother know she was previously married took to social media for advice.

In an anonymous post on popular confessions page SGWhispers on Tuesday (Jul 26), a woman who was divorced wondered how her boyfriend’s family was going to take this information.

She said that she “went through several toxic relationships that didn’t manage to last and one of them … ended with a divorce”. After that, she wrote, she met her “dream guy” who loved her a lot and did not mind her past.

“My boyfriend is the core of his family, his parent can be strict with him but they always give him the best in the world, especially his mother. A nice and capable woman whose love for her son extended to even me. Her bottom line is she hates it when people hide/ lie things from/to her”, the woman wrote.

She said that she was not ready to reveal to her boyfriend’s mother that she was previously divorced because she was afraid of losing her boyfriend.

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“But as a form of respect to his parent, before we even get married, I should confess it instead of waiting until they find it out themselves. I am afraid if they find out themselves they may think that I was being a liar or someone who wants to take advantage of them/my boyfriend’s kindness”, the woman wrote.

When she went to her boyfriend with these issues, he told her not to worry and that his mother will treat her well.

“Well, I need to confess this thing in a matter of time. I wish to get this thing over as soon as possible, at the very least I can don’t need to feel guilty every time his parents treat me good.

What should I do? or how should I approach his mother?” the woman asked netizens.
Here’s what they said: