SINGAPORE: A woman took to social media after discovering the very different priorities she and her husband had when it came to spending their monthly combined income of $3,200.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the woman wrote that she was a sales assistant in a mall and worked about 8 to 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Her husband worked in an office and always stayed late till about 8 or 9 pm daily. “We make a total of above 3.2K a month. We have a saving plan which we put in 150 each a month. We are both going into our mid 30s. And it seems like the baby issue have to come into the picture”, she wrote.

The woman added that her husband believed in saving up for their child’s future and cutting costs by taking out childcare and daycare. However, she felt that they could not take care of their child without a domestic helper. The man suggested his mother could help them care for their child, but the woman said that the mother being over 70 years old and having trouble walking, would hardly be of help.

“He wants to buy a 2nd hand car so that it will be easier to bring the child out. But I think Singapore transport system is so convenient. Won’t the money be better send (sic) on childcare? He believes in competition and wants our future child to not “lose at the starting line”. So he plan classes for him, piano, abacus, drawing…etc. I prefers the child to be healthy, happy and get to explore what he find interesting”, the woman wrote.

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She added that after speaking to her husband about the way he would want to raise their child and how he would allocate money, she felt that she wanted to delay having children. “Any couple goes through such phase?” she asked other netizens.

Here’s what others said to her:

Earlier this year, a man worried about his upcoming wedding and housing expenses shared what his well-to-do friend had advised him to do. In an anonymous post to popular confessions page, the man wrote that he and his friend were in their mid-20s. He was engaged while his friend was already married.

The man added: “He and his wife combined earns multiple 6 figure a year. Has a fully paid BTO and brand new car (also fully paid). He is 100% self made, doesn’t come from a rich family. He is also generous. An angpao from him, regardless to whom or wdv event, will be at least $50. I have seen him give a $800 angpao for a church wedding before”.

He added that he was just an employee in a company. Worrying about his wedding and housing expenses, he asked his friend for advice. The advice that his friend gave him was “extremely simple and logical”, he wrote, but said, “I will absolutely hate my life if I follow his advise (sic)“.

Man and his wife in their mid-20s earning 6-figure yearly income advise his friend to forgo wedding and just sign ROM if worried about expenses