By: The Alternative View

PAP Law Minister Shanmugam has set up a new panel to address the over-supply of lawyers in Singapore.

The panel’s objective is to do a “branch and root” review of the process of offering of training contracts to local lawyers and assessment of suitability for retention and employment in local law firms.

In other words, it seems that the Panel will be looking at tightening the criteria for law graduates to enter law practice, potentially dashing the dreams of many aspiring law students currently pursuing their degree.

But who is to be blamed for this state of affairs?

Take a look back to 2013.

Do you know that during that year, it was Shanmugam and his gang themselves who had projected a shortage of lawyers to the extent that they had issued a report looking at various ways to increase the supply?

So can the current batches of law students seek compensation from Shanmugam?

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