SINGAPORE: An unemployed man turned to social media to ask Singaporeans how far he could go with only a diploma certificate.

“What jobs does not require a degree to climb? Is it possible to earn as much or more than a degree holder with just a diploma and work experience? Or does it come to a point where a degree is still neccessary in the end?” the man asked on r/SingaporeRaw on Sunday (Feb 18).

In his thread on the forum, several Singaporean Redditors suggested that he pursue a career in Sales.

One Redditor said, “Sales. Just need to have inflated ego, extreme thick skin, you can make it anywhere. See if you wanna work in a line where you truly 100% believe in the product/svc you sell, if you do, then at least you can sleep well at night.

No sales person gets away without being scummy to some extent.”

Another Redditor recommended, “Self-employed tradesman. You won’t climb per se, but if you’re willing to work hard, you have infinite money capacity, cuz young generations are useless.”

Other Redditors, meanwhile, proposed that he look into jobs in SMEs, become a software engineer, or, better yet, start his own business.

Last but not least, another Redditor told him, “Qualification will make it easier and faster to secure a job, but what helps you climb is who you know, like those in financial industry who knows a lot of important and valuable people and they can be making millions even without any formal qualification, and those who are qualified like with masters and knows how to crunch numbers won’t make as much as those who have a long list of rich clients in their contact.”

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Diplomas, degrees, and earning potential

It is important to note that while both academic credentials can provide individuals with the knowledge they need for future employment, pursuing a diploma or a degree can significantly impact one’s career path.

Diploma holders are more likely to find jobs in professional and technical fields that are directly related to their field of study, according to the Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS).

Some of those fields include healthcare administration, hospitality, IT, and engineering. 

Furthermore, as per Indeed’s findings in September 2023, fresh diploma and degree holders earn different median gross monthly salaries in Singapore. 

A fresh diploma graduate in Singapore earns an average gross monthly salary ranging from S$2,300 to S$2,614. On the other hand, a graduate makes between S$3,100 and S$5,600 a month.

In the business sector, a starting individual with a business diploma can earn a median salary of around S$2,300 per month; however, those with a business degree can earn up to S$3,723 per month.

Likewise, the same trend can be observed in the engineering industry. Individuals with only a diploma may be eligible for a starting monthly salary of S$2,500.

On the other hand, an individual with an engineering degree has the potential to earn up to S$3,900 per month.