SINGAPORE: While most people would drop their exes like a bad habit, one Singaporean woman’s ex is playing it differently, as he’s begging her to stay friends.

Sharing her story on Reddit, the woman revealed that since their breakup, her ex has insisted they skip the no-contact route and maintain a friendship.

Despite his pleas, she made it clear that, unlike him, she was fully prepared to turn the page and put this chapter behind her for good. “I’ve never stayed friends with any of my exes, and I’m finding it hard to want to be friends with him,” she wrote.

“Deep down, I know that I still have feelings for him, and it just doesn’t feel right for me. I know that for some people, staying friends with an ex can work out perfectly fine. But for me, it’s not something I believe in.”

She went on to explain why she thinks cutting off her ex is the best choice. In her view, once a relationship ends, all communication and ties should be severed.

She believes that staying friends with an ex offers no benefits and argues that it’s important to maintain self-respect and walk away, especially if your ex is the one who ended things.

“If they don’t want the rest of you, they don’t deserve the best of you,” she said. She also reminded others in similar situations that healing can’t happen in the same environment that caused their pain. “Relationships end and people move on; set boundaries for yourself,” she added.

“Cut off all contact. It’s not a good idea to remain friends.”

In the discussion thread, many agreed with the woman’s decision, saying that walking away from someone who doesn’t see her worth and isn’t truly committed is the way to go.

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One individual shared, “My ex dumped me a few days ago and said he wanted to be friends. I know that’s not what I want. I loved him but he didn’t love me enough to stay, so I won’t be staying around. I deserve so much better than that. I walked away and won’t be looking back.”

Another expressed, “I agree 100 % !! If it’s over then it’s over. Cut off all contact. It’s not a good idea to remain friends. Also, don’t keep in contact with the ex’s family. You need to physically and emotionally distance yourself.”

A few others added that the only scenario where they’d consider staying friends with an ex is if there’s a child involved.

One individual said, “Ex husband and I are friends, we co parent, we need to be cordial and supportive of each other to do that. Being friends is and advantage there. But with other childless relationships, if you break up, probably best to let go of contact as well.”

On the other hand, several users disagreed, arguing that it’s entirely possible to become friends with an ex after some healing has taken place.

One individual explained, “I’ve never ‘asked’ any ex if we could still be friends. However I’ve ended up being friends with a couple of them. I believe you can love/care for someone but that doesn’t equate to being in a compatible love relationship.”

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