Retired Members of Parliament (MPs) Low Thia Khiang and Goh Chok Tong met at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy on Thursday (March 10).

In a Facebook post, former Emeritus Senior Minister Goh wrote that he and former Secretary-General of the Workers’ Party Low Thia Khiang “Chatted happily as you would expect of two retired MPs”.

Mr Goh added: “He was there for a photo-shoot in connection with an award while I had just ended a meeting”.

The two men posed for a photo beside some calligraphy about the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, and Mr Goh wrote: “We decided to bask in Lee Kuan Yew’s glory as extolled in the calligraphy”. Whether veiled comment or not, Mr Goh is known for making cryptic or veiled remarks on social media.

Since retiring from politics in 2020, Goh Chok Tong has shared snapshots of his life on social media, often doling out bits of advice or words of wisdom for people to follow.

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The former Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM)’s posts have gotten rather cryptic, even verging on morbid. In two separate Facebook posts on Oct 16, 2021 and Oct 17, 2021 Mr Goh talked about walking “the last mile” of life.

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