Maybe it was the late hour. It was about 1am. Maybe the man with the tattooed arms was spoiling for a fight because he was hungry and ready for a punch up.
He and another man were in a snack shop in City Gate, a mall in Beach Road. And that’s where the fight started.
A customer had come in, bought some food and paid for it. Then when he was looking again at the display, another man – the one with the tattoos – asked why he was staring at him and wouldn’t accept the other man’s reply that he wasn’t and was only wanted to buy more food, reported AsiaOne.
From then on, it followed the predictable pattern of “staring incidents”. Mr Tattooed Arms then challenged the other man, who is 27, to a fight.
The shop’s co-owner, Mr Zhu Huayi, 40, told Shin Min Daily News: “The tattooed man was unwilling to let the matter slide and called him to go outside.” In gangster parlance, this is a classic invitation to a fight. The owner said he called the police when the fight started.
The tattooed man, said to be 34, grabbed a stool and threw it at the other man. The shop owner said he tried to intervene but couldn’t stop the tattooed man from grabbing the other by the head, shoving him to the floor, and threatening him “I’ll kill you!” as he kept bashing him, causing him to pass out.
When the younger man came to, he seemed in a daze, his mouth bloodied.He was conscious when he was taken to hospital.
The fight was in full flow when it was captured on camera and videos of the brawl have gone viral on Facebook. On the Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road page, it’s been viewed almost 160,000 times. The men can be seen kicking and hitting each other. The tattooed man is also seen throwing a stool at the other man.
Reports say that both men have been arrested for affray and the police are currently investigating the brawl which happened on Tuesday.
At one point, the couple who own the store are seen trying to intervene.
The younger man is shown falling against the food counter, and when he’s on the ground, the older one rains blows on him while the proprietors again try to get them to stop.
Then the proprietors walk away as the men continue to duke it out.
The older man even kicks the younger one forcefully while he’s still on the floor.
When he gets up and tries to pick up some of his things, the older man kicks him again, causing him to lie motionless on the floor, and seemingly unconscious for a few minutes.
After a while, he manages to sit up, but seems to be pain. He then staggers up, with a bloody mouth, and walks unsteadily away.
In the next part of the video, the older man is seen arguing with the male proprietor.
Shin Min Daily News said that prior to the fight, the younger man had been about to leave but the older one stopped him. The younger man then pushed the man’s head away with his hand, which started the brawl, which, according to the female proprietor.
Mr Zhu added that the older man had said the younger one “deserved to be beaten”.