The Indonesian public was shocked to learn that an underaged boy of 16 had married a 71 years old bride.

The news is getting attention in most parts of the world, with pictures of the couple splashed over the internet.

VIDEO: Remaja 16 Tahun Kawin Dengan Nenek 71 Tahun
The bride named Rohaya binti Kiagus Muhammad Jakfar was willing to marry the teenager named Selamat Siyadi Bin Husni.

“Alhamdulillah, we are officially married” said Selamat who was immediately denied by Rohaya.

Both admitted that their marriage was opposed to their respective families.

But the boy threatened to commit suicide, forcing his parents to agree to the wedding.

The wedding process was held at the house of RT 01 of Karangendah village of Lengkiti subdistrict of Ogan Komering Ulu district.

The woman apparently took care of the boy while he was struck with malaria.

However, the Indonesian Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa said she regretted the marriage between the 16-year-old teenager and the 71-year-old grandmother.

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Khofifah said the Social Ministry did check and found that the couple was not married according to the district’s rules.

“According to my preliminary estimates, they were not married according to the law because if married through the Office of Religious Affairs it would be clearly impossible because the bridegroom is still underage,” Khofifah said.