SINGAPORE: After a local Reddit user asked if anyone is “still wearing masks often,” quite a number of commenters not only said yes but stated their reasons for doing so.

“With the pandemic over, does any of you still wear masks? I mean in places where they are not required like malls, hawker centres and just outside in general. I still see quite a number wearing in many places I go to,” wrote u/Xingjiangpore on r/askSingapore on Thursday (Aug 24).

One netizen said it made him less anxious to keep masking in public transport, especially because “Too many people coughing/sneezing with no mask.”

He’s not the only one who feels this way.

Others mentioned the new Covid variant that’s been in the news of late.

Habitual masking isn’t unusual in many parts of Asia, another pointed out, writing, “Even before COVID, in Taiwan and Japan, people wore masks when they’re sick. It was simply common courtesy not to want to spread their germs to others.”

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One admitted that they wear a mask because they don’t want to socialize or be recognized by acquaintances.

“I still wear masks because the one time I didn’t I tio covid lmao,” a Reddit user said.

“iI is a good habit from a health perspective, whether to protect you from sick others or others from sick you,” another wrote.

“I do wear in crowded places and when i feel sick myself. I am astonished by the fact that we learned nothing from the pandemic – people who are clearly sick (sneezing and coughing around in MRT) don’t wear masks to protect others,” added another.


SG Reddit users explain why they still wear masks today, and the reasons may surprise you