In the battle raging in the United States between the extreme right and the liberals-leftist-black-lives-matter, it is a new America that appears to be emerging.

Recently, a video surfaced on Twitter where a Ku Klux Klan couple met with a reporter of Latin and African descent. The awkward interview showed how the White extremists are pushing their agenda.

One key element of that interview was that the KKK and some White people living in the south are not happy that their Confederate monuments and statues are being removed. They claim it is their culture and their past and they should not be destroyed.

To these white extremists, it is as though their White southern history and culture are slowly fading away against their will.

In The United States, the population consists of 72.4% White people (63.7% Non-Hispanic origins and 8.7% Hispanic origins), 12.2% Black people, 6% Non-White Hispanics, 4.7% Asian people, 0.7 American Indians and Alaska Natives and 2.1% Mixed or other races.

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In the US, the definition of someone being ‘White’ is “peoples with any origins from Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.”

And there is a sense of rising ‘White Consciousness” in America.

One key factor of this ‘White Consciousness” is the fact that President Donald Trump was elected and he was voted by almost all of the southern states which actually is a big chunk of the US.

One reason why Donald Trump was elected to the White House is due to the poor performance by President G.W. Bush who – according to the White majority – allowed liberal agenda to creep into the country, eating up White values.

We are talking about the Gay agenda and other aspects of social changes that did not go along with the ‘White agenda’.

Bush’s inaction at home brought the arrival of President Barack Obama. With this, the US saw major shifts in its local policies.

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However, Obama was more about promises than delivery. The US remained stuck in the past in many aspects. Yet the Obama era represented the vindication of black consciousness. That was the focus of his presidency for the minorities.

The voice of the Black people which is just about 12.2% of the United States population suddenly was just as loud as the 72.4% white majority.

This brought about a sudden rise in extreme white movements.

An example of the sudden rise in extreme White movements is the sad events that took place on June 17, 2015 when Dylan Roof managed to smuggle a .45-caliber handgun at a Black church in Charleston.

One of the victims of the shooting pleaded with him to not shoot, but his response was that “You blacks are killing white people on the streets everyday and raping white women everyday”.

This was found in a jailhouse manifesto written a few weeks after he was arrested according to an article in the New York Times.

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Furthermore, under Obama, the police force became anti-black where most police shootings would be targeted towards young innocent unarmed Black men.

These issues led to the rise of Black Lives Matter.

Then came Trump who is in the White House mostly thanks to the Southerners and they believe this is ‘their’ presidency.

With the BLM now involved in the anti-white extremist symbols campaign, it is giving rise to yet another even more dangerous movement that is the ‘White is right’, and that there is a White culture that has to be saved.

Trump is to the southerners what Obama was to the blacks, an icon to help their specific races against oppression and also to preserve their respective cultures.

The United States of America is unfortunately sorely divided into a few pieces, but however, in the end, it appears that the White supremacists would most likely have their way if Trump is in power longer.
