A Yahoo poll showed that almost half (43%) of Singapore thought that the recent Budget allocations announced by Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat were bad, only 7% thought it was good while the rest viewed it as mediocre.
According to Lim Tean, chairman of the People’s Voice of Singapore Political Party, Singaporeans saw through the Budget drafted by the PAP government, which he alleged does nothing to improve their lives and chances of a better future.
Lim Tean also said the schemes talked about in Heng’s speech showed how a Finance Minister and a Government lacked the imagination to suitably drive the country forward.
Lim Tean
Lim Tean is a Singaporean opposition politician and Cambridge-educated lawyer. He is the founding leader of Peoples Voice (PV), the 11th political party in Singapore, who served as Secretary-General of the National Solidarity Party from 30 August 2015 – 18 May 2017.
He is identified as centre-left, and has been associated with both Progressive and Social Democratic concerns and causes. Currently, Lim is the lawyer representing prominent anti-government critic and blogger Leong Sze Hian in the continuing high profile case brought by current Singaporean PM Lee Hsien Loon.
Lim’s first foray into politics was in 2011, when he joined the National Solidarity Party (NSP). However, he remained relatively inactive within the party until 2015, when the then Secretary-General Hazel Poa resigned in protest over the party’s policy regarding multi-cornered contests.
Despite lacking an official role in Singaporean politics, Lim continued to grow a significant social media following online.
In the summer of 2018, Lim began to call for an alliance of Singaporean opposition parties. He also announced the founding of a new political party headed by himself, Peoples Voice. He became well known in Singapore for the various speeches and videos made between March 2017 and October 2018.
In a 15-min video published on Facebook , Lim said that the “PAP government has never reformed the law to take into account the modern world.”