SINGAPORE: A Facebook user appeared to be intentionally stirring things up in a recent post when he expressed how thankful he is to be a Malaysian national working in Singapore, and he seems to think life is better for him.

And while his post provoked some netizens into debating with him, others acknowledged that there was some truth to what he was saying and told him he had the best of two worlds.

It may well be that the post comes from a troll account, as there is virtually no information about the account holder, and whoever is behind it just wanted to get attention or cause trouble.

On July 1 (Monday), on the Complaint Singapore group page, a netizen who goes by Nizam Nizam wrote that he has heard about how “great Singapore is, how competent your government is” from the time he was a young person living in Malaysia.

Fast forward to two years later and he realizes that he’s so lucky to have been born in Malaysia for the following reasons: he doesn’t have to serve National Service for two years, he earns above the median pay and may be able to retire early, between the ages of 35 and 40 when he has made enough money, he had been able to get his PR easily and will be able to get his CPF in full one day.

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He ended his post by writing, “Winning in life can be achieved by taking advantage of the cards you are given.”

And while it may seem odd, not to mention provocative, to post such sentiments on a Complaint Singapore page, some commenters expressed how upset they were.

Nevertheless, a number of number netizens took the high road when commenting. One woman encouraged him to be thankful for both countries, reminding him that humility and gratefulness can go a long way.

Another wrote, “Good for you. Must learn how to take advantage of and maximize all the benefits and opportunities.

Each citizen of both countries must know how to take advantage of the currency exchange. Earn here, spent there.”

Several commenters congratulated him for having the best of both worlds, while others pointed out how “lucky” he is.

A Facebook user advised the post author not to bite the hand that feeds him but to “Do your best for SG while achieving your goal!” /TISG

Read also: Chee Hong Tat’s clash with alleged online “troll” sparks comparisons and example of Jamus Lim’s calm response in similar situations