‘PAP never airs its dirty laundry… WP needs to catch up on tightening intra-party governance’ — Singaporeans react to Daniel Goh’s expulsion

SINGAPORE: After former NCMP Daniel Goh announced over social media that he had been expelled from The Workers’ Party, several netizens said the WP should tighten its intra-party governance.
Mr Goh, who had served as a Non-Constituency Member of Parliament from 2016 to 2020, posted a highly redacted letter dated May 26 he received from the WP, where only the sentence “Your expulsion is to take immediate effect upon notice transmitted to you by way of this letter,” can be read.
‘I have been job hunting since February and till now I still have no luck in getting a job’ — new NTU grad says

SINGAPORE: A frustrated fresh graduate took to Reddit saying he’s been looking for work in AI or machine learning since February but has still found nothing.
u/Melerelepele asked other fresh graduates on r/askSingapore on May 31 (Wednesday) how the job hunting experience has been for them.
Kenneth Jeyaretnam and Lim Tean to lead People’s Alliance for next Singapore General Election

SINGAPORE — Four opposition parties, the Peoples Voice, Reform Party, People’s Power Party and the Democratic Progressive Party, have announced a new political alliance called the ‘People’s Alliance’, with Kenneth Jeyaretnam as the chairman of its central executive committee and Lim Tean as the alliance’s secretary-general.
In a media release shared by the alliance’s chairman and secretary-general on social media, they said that the four opposition parties had discussed allying at the start of the year. They added that they would hold a press conference and officially launch the People’s Alliance once registration has been approved.
COVID rebound: PM Lee tests positive again after recovery

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced in a June 1 (Thursday) Facebook post that he had again tested positive for Covid-19, one and a half weeks after getting infected for the first time.
“I feel fine but I am afraid I have turned COVID-19 positive again,” PM Lee, 71, said in his post, adding, “My doctors say it is a Covid rebound, which happens in 5-10% of cases. It is still infectious although the risk is not high compared to the initial infection.”
Uncle lying down on escalator taking selfies or he fell down and needed help?

SINGAPORE: A video of an elderly man seen lying on an escalator with something in his hand that may or may not have been a mobile phone was posted over a social media account with the caption, “Selfie uncle.”
Commenters on the short clip on the singapore_incidents Instagram account, however, said that the uncle may not have been taking selfies but had fallen down instead. Some even asked why the post author filmed him instead of offering to help him up.