VIDEO: S’pore clinic staff kicks baby carriage, heated argument with mother, child pleaded they stop fighting

A video of a clinic nurse kicking a pram in front of a crying child has gone viral on social media, sparking criticisms among netizens.
Facebook page Wake Up, Singapore shared the TikTok video on Monday (April 18) with the caption, “What is happening?? Feel so sad for the poor crying child.”
6 law grads who cheated in S’pore bar exams get delayed in legal profession admission
After cheating during the qualifying Bar exams in 2020, including a paper on ethics and professional responsibility, six trainee lawyers had their entrance into their legal profession delayed.
A grounds of decision on the case was released on Monday (April 18), noting that the six individuals would not be named, so they would not be “prejudiced in the long run.”
Staff calls customer a ‘b*tch’ for asking why must finish eating meal by 9:20pm

A woman was allegedly called a b*tch by a food stall staff after asking why they needed to finish their meal by 9:20 pm despite the posted 9:30 pm closing time.
Complaint Singapore Facebook page member Soe Myat Myo Shwe shared their experience while patronising King of Prawn Noodles 蝦面王, located in E! Hub at 1 Pasir Ris Close.
VIDEO: Wife seeks divorce in fear of hubby’s penis enhancement may cause her damage

When a guy has penis enlargement, the companion appears to be overly satisfied, but that could be the case in the movies, possibly not in real life.
Penis enlargement should be the inverse of breast augmentation. This appears to thrill males or the spouses of women who do so. However, our story appears to have a different ending as a guy faces divorce from his wife, who is unhappy with his penis growth.
Netizens call Porsche driver “Genius” for parking his car perpendicularly on parallel parking spot in Bishan

A photo of a Porsche parked perpendicularly on a parallel parking slot got netizens confused, the driver getting called a “genius.”
“What? Parallel become perpendicular parking,” wrote Facebook page on Tuesday (April 19).